Newsletter/ PR Office
Artists and Art Galleries need to get the word out about their work, where the artist is appearing next and what events are happening in the near future. D. Sharpe, the Artist in Residence at the ACK Art Gallery has several ways you can keep track. They include ACKfoghorn, an electronic newsletter and social media options including Facebook and Instagram.
ACKfoghorn is an e-newsletter sent on a weekly basis on Fridays. As an Early Bird, you can get updates of where the artist, D. Sharpe might be, what kind of art work is included in the latest show at the Artist Association of Nantucket or other venues as well as locations that he will showing work. ACKfoghorn also is where you can follow the legendary Sports Prognosticator, Bluefish Billy who predicts the winners of sports events around the world. Click here to sign up
Social Media outlets, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are great ways to get instant updates once the ACKfoghorn newsletter has been sent out for that week. Click on any of the icons at the top of the page to sign up and follow D. Sharpe anytime.